The Benefits of Alkaline Water

In an ideal world, people are supposed to have only 20% acidic foods, the rest should be made of more alkaline or neutral diets .Besides, getting enough fluids to help keep the water balance of our bodies is very important for life. Unfortunately, there is a setback, whereas there are many countries that have clean and safe tap water, a majority don’t and this is why we need to filter tap water. Surprisingly, United States of America falls in the former, furthermore, the country uses billions of money on bottled waters. This has given rise to more consumers investing in water purifiers. Interestingly, the latest machines trending are the water ionizers that pass electric current through tap water in order to turn it alkaline. My major campaign would be ‘Change your water, change your life’. Keeping ourselves Alkaline is the first line in keeping our bodies very safe. Alkaline water certainly does have numerous benefits, there are also scientific backing for these benefits based on the body being on the more acidic side. Having said that, what are the alkaline benefits to your body that I am talking about?


The magic water – Alkaline Water

I am pretty sure a number of us paid attention during chemistry lessons when we were taught about alkaline and acids. Consequently, it is quite a familiar word to many. I will get to the basics of life. There is no substance that plays a vital role in our bodies like water, not just any water but healthy water. There is all this buzz about alkaline water and somehow to a huge extent, many do not comprehend much about it.

So, what is this magic water everyone is talking about?

In a nutshell,  with the simple chemistry cooking in my brain, I would put it as water rich in alkalizing compounds unlike most tap water that tend to be acidic. I can confidently define it as safe water.
