As you grow older staying hydrated becomes more important for your health and for a longer life. Drinking water is important to stay hydrated, however, today’s drinking water had undergone so many process and has been treated with so many chemicals that it has been rendered a lifeless and tasteless liquid. Chemically, it is still H2O but much of the good has been lost during the process and, unfortunately, many toxic things have been added as well. Alkaline, ionized water gives you an alternative.


Alkaline water is a type water that’s less acidic than regular tap water. This means it is rich in beneficial minerals such as calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. Some advocates of alkaline water believe it can neutralize the acid in your body. The “alkaline” in alkaline water refers to its pH level. The pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline (basic) a substance is on a scale of 0 to 14. Tap water generally has a neutral pH of 7 while Alkaline water typically has a pH of 8 or 9.

Health Benefits of Alkaline water

You may have already heard some of the various health claims about alkaline water. Here are 4 health benefits you will get from drinking Alkaline water:

Alkaline water is good for the bones
Osteoporosis Or bone loss strikes millions of Americans annually. It is blamed for causing as many deaths every year as heart disease. Alkaline water offers a free-risk way to keep the bone healthy. This type of water is loaded with many beneficial minerals that a person need every day for healthy bones like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, when the dietary minerals in water are ionized they turn into negatively-charged and is highly bio-available. Drinking water with an alkaline pH helps to prevent excess acidity from developing in the body’s tissues. Since excess acidity increases bone loss, reducing the body’s acidity alleviates that problem.Drinking alkaline water has been shown to reduce the amount of calcium discharged in the urine.

Antioxidant water that strengthens the Body’s Immune System
Drinking alkaline water is like drinking a glass of anti-oxidants. This kind of water delivers a great amount of negatively charged electrons, to cling to & neutralize the free-radicals causing daily damage & premature aging within our bodies.

Alkaline Water Helps in Weight Loss
Drinking alkaline water is like drinking a glass of anti-oxidants. This kind of water delivers a great amount of negatively charged electrons, to cling to & neutralize the free-radicals causing daily damage & premature aging within our bodies.

Alkaline Water  helps The Absorption Of Nutrients
Many adults are at high risk for developing malnutrition, the lack of adequate nutrition to maintain health. Alkaline water can help in the absorption of nutrients that the body needs to maintain healthy. Alkaline water flows easily within the matrix of cells in the body, helping the absorption of nutrients and disposal process.