The word “alkaline” refers to water’s pH level. pH is measured in a range from 0 to 14. Substances having pH level less that 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral and substances with pH level greater than 7 is basic or alkaline. The only difference between alkaline water and regular tap water is the pH level. Alkaline water, also known as ionized water, is the source of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium. Drinking alkaline water will give you many health benefits you may have never expected. One of the many health benefits of alkaline water is that it can help prevent cancer.

Acidity Increases The Growth Of Cancer Cells

Alkaline water is less acidic than the basic tap water. Alkaline water has a PH between 7.0 and 10.0 on the scale while tap water has 6 to 7 pH level. A study on 2013 reveals that a water with a low or acidic pH tends to have toxic effects. It is said that eating acidic foods and drinks may increase your risk of developing cancer. It has also been said that an acidic diet feeds cancer cells, allowing them to thrive and spread. Acidity serves as the indicator of the cancer cells and other surrounding tissues to produce growth hormones (like vascular endothelial growth factor) that tells your the body to form new tumor blood vessels. The process is called “angiogenesis”.

Alkaline Water Acts as antioxidants

Alkaline water, being the source of minerals, has also antioxidant source in it. It is known that the higher alkaline PH water can act as the antioxidant which prevent the damage of free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by reactive molecules called free radicals. Free radical are groups of atoms that can damage our body by hurting the immune system which may lead to cancer.
The wonder of alkaline water does not just stop there, it also has the ability to convert the free radicals into oxygen. Cancer cells are not like any other cells in our body. Our normal cell loves oxygen but not cancer cells. They prefer glucose (sugar) over oxygen, they consider sugar as their sugar. Oxygen destroys cancer cells as well as bacterial and viral invaders. Oxygen also promotes energy production and tissue oxygenation. It was Dr. Otto Warburg, a German doctor, who first discovered that cancer cells can be destroyed using oxygen. In fact, there a several different oxygen therapies to cure cancer because of this breakthrough. This discovery made him won Nobel Prize in 1931.

Other Wonders of Alkaline Water

Moreover, alkaline , being rich in antioxidants, helps remove the body toxins as well. Indeed, drinking alkaline water has a lot of health benefits to offer such as protecting the body against free radicals, toxins, and risks of stress. Drinking alkaline can increase your metabolism and improve your body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients.
With all the benefits alkaline water bring, it is right to keep your body well-hydrated by drinking alkaline water, it supports your body’s ability to balance its pH which contributes to the prevention of cancer.